Ramblings on the Road

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Nudges? Or A Kick in the Pants?

Today, I was working on my book when I got an email from the publisher to whom I'm hoping to submit it. This wasn't a personal email, but it sure felt like it was direct from God! (It came through one of my writing groups.)

In the email, the writer explained that this publisher was changing some of its guidelines and then listed the changes. Everything in it coincided with my novel and decisions I've made regarding my novel in the last few weeks.

I told David I felt that was the Lord's way of saying "Hey you! Get that thing written NOW! Submit it! NOW! Strike while the iron is hot! NOW!" So, I took the hint.

Since late this afternoon, I have polished my query until it shines; checked my synopsis - which was already complete; put a "final" stamp on Chapter 1, and have diligently been working on Chapters 2 and 3 - to the point of only needing about 1,000 more words!

Little known fact about me: Most people have to cut, cut, cut their work - I have to add, add, add. I am very brain-dead with details. I can't "be bothered" with them as a reader or a writer. But I am learning! Part of my problem is my experience with newspaper writing, which must be bold and to-the-point with no flourishing. Facts, but not much detail, unless it's a feature.

I've requested prayer from some friends, and hope to have this thing ready to submit over the weekend. I do have one person who critiques for me (Hi and thanks to Eileen!) so I may not get it ready until the first part of the week, but that's okay. This was sudden, and I love the tight deadlines!

And gee, what excitement if I actually sell the darn thing!


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