Ramblings on the Road

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Fear and Moving on

Presenting my first proposal for others' eyes was a fear I finally faced. And lived to tell about it!!

I finally realized the Lord gave me the desire and the ability to write, and I'm writing stories I hope are pleasing to Him, so what is there to fear? If those reading this particular story don't like it, maybe others will. If not, then move on to the next and perfect my craft!

While waiting for my mentors to critique my work, I've already started work on my second inspirational novel and on the mystery I'm writing with my husband. I am trying to get both of those ready for conference and getting my first one to proposal stage has been a great confidence booster.

There has been a "turning of the tides" in my attitude toward my writing and even towards myself in the last few months. I'm able to focus longer (a tremendous feat for someone who self-diagnosed she had ADD!), and feel more confident. It is showing in my work, my routine, my attitude, even my dress. I still wear the sweats and tees, but I am caring now that they are clean! :-)

I feel this is only the beginning of a great new adventure!


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