Ramblings on the Road

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I did it!

Thanks to my mentors for speedy replies and for very helpful critiques, I was able to submit my first novel proposal to a publisher today! The relief I feel is tremendous. I was giddy for a few moments after sending it and wanted to celebrate, but then I faced reality. I have tons of other books waiting to be written, so I got busy.

I pulled out novels two and three and set to work. Novel #2 has an almost complete first chapter, and more outline development than Novel #1 had in the beginning. Novel #3 is still in beginning stages, and although the prologue and first chapter are written it needs a lot of mapping. Novel #3 is the first in a series of an infinite number of books and is being written with David.

I learned about "one-sheets" this week. I have now created two (for Novels 2 & 3) and started on a third, a pitch for several books that I could pitch to one editor.

I am enjoying studying the writing craft. I have never had the luxury of time to do so before, and now I'm soaking all the information up like a sponge. Belonging to the two writer's groups has provided me with an endless source of expert information, and I am totally awed and amazed at the help, encouragement and advice so freely offered to me personally by these professionals.

I thank each and every one of you!


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