Ramblings on the Road

Friday, July 29, 2005

Definite ramblings

The title of this blog gave me permission to just write about today, so you'll definitely read some ramblings!

The campground inspectors for the franchise where we are living and working this summer arrived late yesterday, performed their inspection during the night, did their laundry this morning, and were off to the next campground by noon. Since we arrived here in March, our bosses have been gearing up for inspection, coaching us along to meet all the inspection guidelines so the campground would excel.

Totally deflated is how I felt when I heard they were pulling out this morning. I expected a major inspection, possibly taking days, with them going over every aspect of the campground with a fine-tooth comb. But they didn't. The good news is the campground passed with flying colors, and is now a candidate for the highest award honored each year at the corporate convention.

But the speed of the inspection left me disappointed, deflated, and disrespectful of the process. How could it have been a true inspection in such a short time period? Yes, I know the inspectors are pros, have done this for ages, have a checklist. But from now on, when I see campgrounds rated by these awards, I can't give them as much credit for actually earning the award as I would if the inspection had seemed more in depth.

As I'm writing this, I realize I can tie this neatly to writing. Sure, I could pound out a 50,000 word novel in a week. But is it ready to go to the publisher at that point? Of course not. Shouldn't I delve deeper into my characters to make them more three-dimensional; check for mistakes in grammar, punctuation, verb tenses, and storyline consistencies? And then rewrite as needed. Before that manuscript is ready to mail, I should examine it thoroughly in all aspects - and it will certainly take longer than a few hours.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I did it!

Thanks to my mentors for speedy replies and for very helpful critiques, I was able to submit my first novel proposal to a publisher today! The relief I feel is tremendous. I was giddy for a few moments after sending it and wanted to celebrate, but then I faced reality. I have tons of other books waiting to be written, so I got busy.

I pulled out novels two and three and set to work. Novel #2 has an almost complete first chapter, and more outline development than Novel #1 had in the beginning. Novel #3 is still in beginning stages, and although the prologue and first chapter are written it needs a lot of mapping. Novel #3 is the first in a series of an infinite number of books and is being written with David.

I learned about "one-sheets" this week. I have now created two (for Novels 2 & 3) and started on a third, a pitch for several books that I could pitch to one editor.

I am enjoying studying the writing craft. I have never had the luxury of time to do so before, and now I'm soaking all the information up like a sponge. Belonging to the two writer's groups has provided me with an endless source of expert information, and I am totally awed and amazed at the help, encouragement and advice so freely offered to me personally by these professionals.

I thank each and every one of you!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Fear and Moving on

Presenting my first proposal for others' eyes was a fear I finally faced. And lived to tell about it!!

I finally realized the Lord gave me the desire and the ability to write, and I'm writing stories I hope are pleasing to Him, so what is there to fear? If those reading this particular story don't like it, maybe others will. If not, then move on to the next and perfect my craft!

While waiting for my mentors to critique my work, I've already started work on my second inspirational novel and on the mystery I'm writing with my husband. I am trying to get both of those ready for conference and getting my first one to proposal stage has been a great confidence booster.

There has been a "turning of the tides" in my attitude toward my writing and even towards myself in the last few months. I'm able to focus longer (a tremendous feat for someone who self-diagnosed she had ADD!), and feel more confident. It is showing in my work, my routine, my attitude, even my dress. I still wear the sweats and tees, but I am caring now that they are clean! :-)

I feel this is only the beginning of a great new adventure!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


While polishing the first three chapters, getting them ready to submit, I created more ideas to finish out the book. I thought I had it all plotted out and suddenly, this wonderful idea for a major scene popped into my head. I toyed with it a bit, and then suddenly, again, the idea of where to put this scene seemed so obvious it was a wonder it took me this long to figure it out. Duh!

I got a mentor for conference yesterday. (Hi, Diane!) I am so excited. She has been to conferences before and will help me get ready for my first one. So far, she's already given me great advice, answered a few questions, and offered to read my first three that I'm submitting this week.

Last night, in the midst of a debilitating headache, I sent off my cover/query, chapter synopsis, and first three chapters to Diane and Eileen, my View mentor who has been helping me with this project for a few months. After letting my husband proof it - and I'm thankful he caught several mistakes - I sent it off. Leading up to that time, I had been nervous about letting others read it, but I had polished and perfected this portion until I had to send it to someone or send myself to the looney bin!

I'm embarrassed at the number of stupid mistakes David found - verb tense switches were the main offender. But I'm pleased that the errors were in passages I had recently changed to accomodate more text, or other edits, and not in sections I had been over and over previously.

Now I wait for Diane's and Eileen's comments and edits...

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Nudges? Or A Kick in the Pants?

Today, I was working on my book when I got an email from the publisher to whom I'm hoping to submit it. This wasn't a personal email, but it sure felt like it was direct from God! (It came through one of my writing groups.)

In the email, the writer explained that this publisher was changing some of its guidelines and then listed the changes. Everything in it coincided with my novel and decisions I've made regarding my novel in the last few weeks.

I told David I felt that was the Lord's way of saying "Hey you! Get that thing written NOW! Submit it! NOW! Strike while the iron is hot! NOW!" So, I took the hint.

Since late this afternoon, I have polished my query until it shines; checked my synopsis - which was already complete; put a "final" stamp on Chapter 1, and have diligently been working on Chapters 2 and 3 - to the point of only needing about 1,000 more words!

Little known fact about me: Most people have to cut, cut, cut their work - I have to add, add, add. I am very brain-dead with details. I can't "be bothered" with them as a reader or a writer. But I am learning! Part of my problem is my experience with newspaper writing, which must be bold and to-the-point with no flourishing. Facts, but not much detail, unless it's a feature.

I've requested prayer from some friends, and hope to have this thing ready to submit over the weekend. I do have one person who critiques for me (Hi and thanks to Eileen!) so I may not get it ready until the first part of the week, but that's okay. This was sudden, and I love the tight deadlines!

And gee, what excitement if I actually sell the darn thing!

Friday, July 22, 2005


I am really frustrated right now. I have soooo many ideas for books and stories in my head and can only work on one at a time - and then I'm not sure it's the one I should or need to be working on!

I have decided though, that I need to get one book completely finished by conference time. That's a self-imposed deadline I hope will drive me to completion. So, for the next month or so, I will use this blog to record my progress and keep me on task. I have 3 chapters (of 12) completely written, along with the last chapter, several scenes and the epilogue. Now I just need to fill in the rest! My goal is to write 2,000 words per day.

I read a book yesterday by an unfamiliar author. This particular book was very weak and I had to force myself to finish it. It will not be on my book review list, but I wanted to comment on it here. Usually the Heartsong line provides a good story, but I was disappointed with this selection.

My main problem with it? The male character. The writer showed him to be weak, stupid and clueless. Readers can see through some of the tags she put on him, and can see a character who could have been a true hero - but the writer chose to make him "less than." The female character was also on the weak side, but the trait that made her the weakest in my opinion was allowing herself to fall in love with this weak male character when she so obviously wasn't his choice at all. The writer didn't show us the "good" characteristics that she fell in love with - she just caused it to happen. The story just seemed to happen, without much cause and effect.

I just hope by reading and analyzing this particular book I can learn how not to create my characters and how not to write my story.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Book reviews

I am an avid reader. Recently, someone suggested I should write book reviews. My very first writing contract was for a series of book reviews for a Christian magazine many, many years ago, but I had not thought of doing that since.

Now, I am determined to read as many books written by two writing groups to which I belong, so I will give reviews in this location. Please note that I don't like saying anything bad about anyone's writing, so that's my main reason for not becoming a "professional" reviewer, but I will try to be honest and open with my reviews. If any of the authors happen to read my ramblings, please know that my reviews are not personal.

Below is a list of some of the more memorable books I've read recently. Some on this list are there because I was researching the publisher, most are there because I am becoming acquainted with the author through the writing groups.

Beneath a Southern Sky by Deborah Raney
This is one of the most emotional books I've ever read. From the depths of despair at the death of her husband to the peaks of joy upon finding new love, then the mix of emotions during all the twists and turns of the story - it was a roller coaster ride the entire time! I will eagerly seek out more books by Deborah Raney.

Eyes of Elisha by Brandilyn Collins
This is one of the most original stories I've ever read, and can't wait to read more of her books. Her tagline "Seatbelt suspense" describes the exactly the way I felt as I read - I kept asking "what's next?" At one point, I felt sure the story would end, but she brilliantly added more twists and turns to allow my reading, and the story, to continue! (Yippee!) BC is now one of my favorite authors. I follow her blog daily and try to learn as much as possible! She's a definite pro!

Ribbon of Years by Robin Lee Hatcher
I normally don't care for stories written like this, but Robin sure changed my mind! From the very first page, she captured my interest enough that I read the book in one sitting! By the end, I was sobbing, so have your hankies ready!

The Senator's Other Daughter by Stephen Bly
Rip-roaring fun! I laughed through this entire book! I know it's not necessarily a comedy, but the fun these characters had with each other made the entire book a hoot!

Judith and the Judge by Stephen and Janet Bly
The relationship between Judith and the Judge was pure fun! The characters were lively and made me wonder when their shenanigans were going to catch up with each other!

Meet my Sister Tess by Kristin Billerbeck
I fell in love with these characters! This was a fun book, with touching issues.

Without a Trace by Colleen Coble AND
Beyond a Doubt by Colleen Coble
This pair of books created a very serious subject, and Colleen Coble handled it with care and finesse. The pain suffered was real, yet bearable and the outcome lovely.

Her Home or Her Heart by Kasandra Elaine
This reminded me of another book I read (can't remember the title it's been so long!), but this book wasn't as "fun" as the other. It does have a memorable setting and plot, but the characters are many and thin. The outcome of the mission was anticlimactic.

Summer's Promise by Irene Brand
The struggle these characters faced was very real, and the writer captured their dilema exceptionally well. I found the sister's names amusing, and yet no teasing or even comments about them took place within the book!

Woman of Grace by Kathleen Morgan
I tend to like contemporaries, rather than historicals, but this story was beautiful, and very sad at times, and I enjoyed it completely.

Kiowa Husband by DiAnn Mills
Interesting storyline with believeable characters, but the cover was distracting. The cover characters seemed so fake and contemporary, while the book's characters were very real and true to the setting.

Dear Lady by Robin Lee Hatcher
I really enjoyed the characters of Janie, Beth and Garrett. I also appreciate that the character of Owen was likeable, and did not turn into a true "bad guy." This was a fun read!

A Bride for Dry Creek by Janet Tronstad
A fun story!

I will continue to add to this list as time goes by. I'm having a blast discovering all the talent in people I've met online, or will soon meet at conference.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I got the writing bug many years ago, and can finally say I'm almost done with my first novel.

I write Christian fiction. I have solid ideas for at least 6 books, with possible series for each of those books. I can even weave in threads to connect those six books to each other if the Lord leads that direction. Choices....

I'm headed to the ACFW conference in Nashville this September. God spoke very clearly to me and to my husband that I should go, so I made reservations and He has provided the means. I am trying to get two Christian romance proposals ready for the conference, and one Christian mystery that I'm writing with David. Until I printed out all I had written, I didn't realize I actually had written that much!

I keep each chapter separate, and some folders have only individual scenes. If I get an idea for a scene, but not sure where put it at the moment, I write the scene out and save it just as a scene that I may, or may not, eventually use.

With this blog, I hope to encourage myself to the finish line, and in the process encourage any readers that drop by.

Feel free to leave any comments, and I'll respond.

May God be with you in your journey!